At a Glance

At a Glance

At a Glance

Who IS New California?

  • New California State will be the 51st state formed from rural/suburban old State of California.

  • California rises from LA, Bay Area and Sacramento urban areas and receives a new constitution.

How Can New California Become a State?

  • Article IV, section 3 of The United States Constitution, allows for a new state to be formed from an existing state with the approval of the State Legislature and Congress. This was done in 1860 when West Virginia split from Virginia by creating a restored VA gov after VA seceded. 

  • Article IV, section 4 of The United States Constitution, The United States shall guarantee every state in the Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against invasion and domestic violence. California has failed!

Many have Failed This Attempt!

  • EXACTLY—This is the first time in over 200 attempts to form a new state from California where the Constitutional Blueprint of Article IV, Section 3 is being followed.

  • New California State achieved “Standing” in the U.S. Supreme Court based on: declared independence, 190 grievances, 10 declarations of truths, 13 CA default notices, 12 Const. Conventions, CA/CA official’s lawsuit court cases, etc. First Constitutional Conv Reorganized CA.

Why New California State?

  • California is in Default of Article IV, section 4 of The United States Constitution, and It FAILS to:

    • Guarantee a Republican Form of Government—It FAILS!

    • Protect the citizenry against invasion—It FAILS!

    • Protect the citizenry against domestic violence—It FAILS!

    • The State shall maintain good standing with the United States’ Union of States—California no longer maintains the required financial records—It FAILS!

    • California has FAILED! (view short video)

  • The FAILURES continue:

    • #1 Highest Poverty Rate

    • #1 Highest Income Tax #1 Worst for Quality of Life

    • #1 Worst Business Climate

    • #2 Highest Gas Taxes

    • #2 Highest Homeless Population

    • #50 in Fiscal Solvency

    • #43 in Education

    • Californians have the highest out migration of any state in the Union

    • The out migration of businesses from California is the highest in the Union because the government over taxes and regulates

Who is the Founder?

  • Paul Preston, President of New California State. Paul has spent over nine years laying the groundwork for statehood

  • Chriss Street, CEO of New California State, follows the economic tides of California’s demise

What Is the Final Result?

  • A “Fresh Start” with a new Constitution

  • The “Rule of Law” will be reestablished with Support for Law Enforcement

  • 2nd Amendment Rights will be Guaranteed

  • A new Economy with low taxes and few regulations

  • A new Education System where parents will have full Parental Rights

  • Local County Control, No Centralized State Government

  • New California will flourish as the most productive state in the Union

  • New California will make good on pension promises

  • New California will NOT be a sanctuary state


  • Enjoys “Fresh Start” accounting with a NEW Constitution with an 88% vote to change

  • New California will NOT be a sanctuary state

  • 6 or 7 levels of bureaucracy, down from California’s 16

  • Most high-level bureaucrat executives will be gone

  • 6 new dams and 37 small nuclear reactor plants

  • New California will flourish as the most productive state in the Union

  • Efficiency and accountability emphasized at all government levels

  • A template for other states on metric performance accountability scores

Law Enforcement

  • 2nd Amendment Rights will be Guaranteed

  • The “Rule of Law” will be reestablished with support for law enforcement

  • All law enforcement signs an Oath of Office


  • Constitution followed to the letter

  • Single tier justice system


  • Local County Control, No Centralized State Government

  • 12.5% MORE county income instantly – (NO cur for Sacramento off the top)

  • Efficiency and accountability emphasized at all government levels

Business Friendly

  • A new economy with low taxes

  • Nominal business regulations

  • Paperwork redundancy eliminated

  • Right to work


  • Eliminate:

    • California Coastal Commission

    • Cal EPA

    • AQMD

    • CARB

  • Compliant with all Federal environmental and safety Laws


  • Largest civil engineering and business expansion since China

  • Middle class wages will increase dramatically

  • Provides dependable jobs as capital and momentum to pay more and invest in workers


  • A new education system where parents will have full Parental Rights

  • All School Officials to sign Oath of Office–MUST BE FOLLOWED or GONE

  • School Choice

  • No SEL/CRT

PERS/STRS Pensions

  • New California takes half of California’s pension liability

  • New California will make good on pension promises

Next Steps

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