Yuba / Sutter County Peaceful Rally
Washington Square Park CA-20, Marrysville, CA, United StatesCome join our peaceful rally at Washington Square Park, Marrysville, CA.
Come join our peaceful rally at Washington Square Park, Marrysville, CA.
Find a Catholic Parish near you in your town: https://www.usccb.org/mass-times
JOIN US SATURDAYS 9:00 am-NOON On the Sidewalk 6751 Stanford Ranch Rd, Roseville Stanford Ranch/Galleria Boulevard, across from Costco, in front of IHOP. Park in the large lot behind McDonalds.
The first official Election Day for The Great State of New California. Elections will take place in various precincts throughout the 57 counties. Stay tuned for more details regarding the location of the precinct in your area.
Program Starts at 5:00 pm PST These meeting are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:00 pm PST These meetings are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:00 pm PST These meeting are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:00pm PST These meetings are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California LegislatureZoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:00pm pst These meeting are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:00pm PST These meetings are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting
Program Starts at 5:0pm PST These meeting are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced. New California Legislature Zoom Meeting