Latest Past Events

NCS County Meetings

There are 57 either "Rural" or whole Counties in the New California State movement.  Counties have reserved Thursday as their "Standing " meeting" date. Counties establish their owns times and locations for business meetings and extra public meeting such as Town Halls and "Hearing" dates. Please use the following link to locate your county . […]

NCS Public Conference Call Meeting ID: 831 5154 5700 Passcode: 980907 ONE TAP MOBILE General U.S. +1-669-444-9171 Meeting ID: 83151545700# Passcode: 980907# US San Jose +1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 83151545700# Passcode: 980907#

NCS County Chairs

Program Starts at 7:00 pm weekly on Tuesday NCS County Chairs meeting. This meeting is for County Chairs of the New California State movement. These meetings are closed for session work. Open Meetings will be announced.